Understand How Power Trade Works

Understand How Power Trade Works


In the dynamic world of predictive markets, the Power Trade feature emerges as a game-changing tool designed to streamline trading experiences. This innovative option offers users a sophisticated yet straightforward approach to investing in event outcomes.

What is Power Trade?

Power Trade is a revolutionary feature that allows users to instantly purchase both "Yes" and "No" matched orders for a specific event. The core philosophy behind this feature is simplification: enabling traders to make balanced investments with a single click.

How Power Trade Works

When a user selects the Power Trade icon, the system guides them through a seamless process:

  • Enter the total investment amount
  • The system automatically splits the investment equally
  • Instantly generates matched orders on both sides of the event

Example Scenario

Imagine you want to invest 100 credits. The Power Trade feature will:

  • Allocate 50 credits to "Yes" shares
  • Allocate 50 credits to "No" shares

Key Benefits


Gone are the days of manually executing multiple trades. Power Trade streamlines the entire investment process.


Instant execution means you can capitalize on trading opportunities without delay.

Risk Mitigation

By maintaining an equal investment on both potential outcomes, traders can effectively hedge their bets.

Important Considerations

Investment Split

Power Trade maintains a fixed 50/50 split. This standardized approach ensures consistency and ease of use.

Investment Limits

The platform determines minimum and maximum investment amounts based on specific event parameters and your account balance.

Market Impact

Like any trading activity, Power Trade transactions can influence market prices for "Yes" and "No" shares, depending on event liquidity and demand.

Accessing Power Trade

The Power Trade icon is prominently displayed within the trading interface. A simple click is all it takes to begin your balanced investment strategy.


Power Trade represents more than just a feature—it's a sophisticated approach to predictive market trading. By removing complexity and introducing a balanced investment mechanism, it empowers traders to make more informed and efficient decisions.

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